Saturday, August 6, 2011

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

We constantly read about Christ’s miracles in the Holy Gospels, and we ask ourselves, “why is it that such things were possible in those days, and yet we see so few miracles in our own day?”

The first is that we do not see the miracles that surround us; we take everything for granted, as completely natural. We receive all the good things from the hand of God as though they were normal, and we no longer see that life is a wonderful, joyful miracle, that God wanted to create us, that He called us from non-being into being, laid open before us the whole miracle of existence. And what about those miracles that are even less obvious to us, like health, like peace, like friendship, like love? They are all pure miracles - you cannot buy them, you cannot force anyone to give you his heart; and yet all around us there are so many hearts open to each other, so much friendship, so much love. And our physical existence which we consider so natural - is not that a miracle?

Today we read that the people were in need, that the apostles noticed this need and spoke to the Lord about it. And the Lord said: “It is up to you to relieve this need, to feed these hungry people”. “How?” they said, “we have only two fishes and five loaves; can that possibly be enough for such a crowd?” And Christ blessed those fish and those loaves and it was enough for the crowd.

The Lord urges upon His disciples is, “give everything that you have, and we shall be able to feed them all.” The disciples did not leave aside some fish and some bread for themselves; they gave it all to the Lord. And because they gave everything, the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of love, the kingdom where God can act freely and unrestrained, was established and all were satisfied. This call is addressed to us also: when we see want, let us give all, and all will be well.

On this Sunday let us consider this, for every one of God’s miracles was introduced, and so to speak conditioned, by the participation of all. It depends on us that the Kingdom which we pray and long for should be established on earth, that Kingdom which we are called on to build together with God and in His name. Amen.

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