Monday, September 26, 2011

A Pattern in Making Disciples

1) Christ teaches the Word of God, and the Word of God stirs listeners to initial faith.

2) Christ involves the new believer in a specific challenge, and the new believer personally experiences the grace of God; he or she feels unworthy, yet amazed.

3) Christ calls the new believer to become a permanent disciple and co-worker with God. The new believer freely and totally gives over his or her life to the Lord and has a new sense of mission as Christ’s disciple.

We too, are called to DISCIPLESHIP and to lower our nets for that “great catch”. Consider, for a moment, the state of the world around us. Consider this city we are in, and the cities and towns nearby. Consider the frightful nature of the world, of the overflowing cup of evil all around us. Consider the huge numbers of confused and frightened people, darting this way and that, like frightened fishes in a great dark sea. Some, though perhaps not all, would doubtless find peace and joy if they could but find Christ, in the fullness in which we find Him in our Holy Church. We need only lower our nets, as Christ bids us, and we can catch them for Him. How do we do this?

We can do it by witnessing for Christ through the lives that we lead. If we are kind, patient, and generous towards our neighbors, that in itself is the beginning of our witness. If we are models of Christian piety in our lives, praying, keeping the fasts, attending Liturgy, and remaining close to the Church, that too is a witness and will attract a larger catch. Finally, we must not be ashamed of Christ’s Church by hiding it from those around us. If neighbors or friends or acquaintances have no religious life, or if they are dissatisfied in their current religion, we can invite them to attend Divine Liturgy and introduce them to our Holy Church and our community of faithful. So, let us not be apprehensive in sharing the beauty of our Eastern Church with others. Let each of us strive to follow in the footsteps of the holy apostles Peter, James, and John, by becoming catchers of souls for Christ. Let each of us also put aside all those things that distract us from our real purpose in this life, let us leave those things, as the Gospel says, and, like the apostles, follow Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Great thought! If we could all have the nerve to bring people to the Liturgy and introduce them to Christ in this most awesome way!
