1. Make participation at the Divine Services for Holy Week and Pacha a priority.
2. In our homes we should strive to "keep out the world" and enter into the peace, solemnity, and theology of the events of the last days of Our Lord.
3. Make sure to read the last chapters of the Holy Gospels that speak of the Passion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ.
4. If you are visiting another parish and wish to receive Holy Communion, make sure that the priest knows who you are and that you are prepared. This should be done in advance by phone, email, or any other way.
5. Last year's palms and willow branches should be placed outside in an area to decay where they will not be disturbed. They are holy and should not be simply thrown out with the garbage.
6. On Good Friday or Pascha before venerating Holy Objects, such as the Cross, Icons, or the Holy Shroud-Plashchanytsia, make sure to wipe off your lipstick or chap-stick. Reminder: we do not kiss the face of Our Lord, His Mother, or the Saints; instead kiss the hands or feet.
7. If you haven't yet made your Confession during the Great Fast-Lent, try to make it today on Palm Sunday or during Holy Week.
8. Try to make amends with those we may be upset with or those who are upset with us, so that on Pascha-Easter we can joyfully sing, "Let us call brothers, even those that hate us, and forgive all by the Resurrection!"
9. Remember to prepare and to bring an Easter basket to be blessed on the Feast of the Resurrection. Let us share in the joy of the Lord's Resurrection with fellowship and love.
10. During Paschal Season, sing or read the Troparion "Christ is Risen-Христос Воскрес" together with your "normal" morning and evening prayers. Let the joy of praising the Lord's Resurrection accompany you throughout Bright Week, the Paschal season, and your whole life.
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